
• not perfect; faulty or incomplete

We are all perfect in an imperfect way. I enjoyed discovering what others may call “flaws” this year. I delighted in uncovering them and loving them. Its the deeper part of self-acceptance. This journey repaired that empathy chip, showed me what is tangible and essential. The way i love my imperfections overflows into my everyday. I can spread love because i am love 😘


• perceptible by touch

Grasping the concept of tangibility was the most difficult for me. I had to stop reasoning away the aggressions of others and stop rationalizing the mistreatments. I had to stop listening to those that would normalize the acceptance of abuse that occurs in love relationships. I had to trust my conscience to find tangible love for myself and love to share. When I put away those rose colored glasses and delusions I created, I was able to step into real love and self acceptance. Learning the definition of real motivated me to adjust my octagon to a circle. To appreciate tangible emotions I had to be selfless in displaying them. 😘


• absolutely necessary; extremely important.

I learned the importance of many things this year. The true definition of value and worth. I learned to let go more. To stop holding on to dead ends (hair), dead weight (people) and deadlines (situations). While creating this enlightened existence, i accredit my essentials for clarity.

What are your essentials?



• a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. [noun]

• add (someone) to a list of contacts associated with a social networking website. [verb]

This year has taught about friendship. Who is really your friend. How to be a friend. Also when to friend.

I’ve lost friends as we all have. However, i think i misread the relationship. I tend to overshare my life experiences partially to build connections and partially to overcome my shyness. Everyone is not to be trusted with those moments. At least not my moments. I spoke so much that i missed the jealousy brewing in her silence. Our interaction was designed for passing. Seasonal. I take responsibility for making it into more than it was.

I’ve also learned how to share appropriately and how to listen. I’ve learned relationship building and the importance of networking. All relationships are give and take, so few of us dance between the two.


R- respect

• a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

• due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.

• a person’s polite greetings.

If i appeared to respect myself before i apologize for the deceit. I did not learn respect, I ascended into self respect and ultimately admiration followed. Due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, and traditions of others, (respect) sets the pattern for all my relationship. Although i can respect man without loving him, I must respect myself in order to love myself. It is required of me. I must admire my abilities, appreciate my qualities, and honor my own achievements to free myself for love. “If you truly [..respected] yourself, you would never hurt another” This is my daily mantra, what’s yours?

I send you my respects xoo

Letters to Lima

Sometimes i feel selfish for bringing you into the world. I can protect me but i cant always rely on my strength but i am ok. But you little Lima. My strength falters. My arms aren’t long enough. My eyes cant stay on you tight enough. So many what ifs and no time promised. I prayed for you little Lima. I pray for you Lima. I pray for your strength and your own wisdom. I pray you’ll be safe and happy. I pray and i pray. But i cant pray away fates touch. Today i have you. And today i smile. My love is stronger than my fears. My love is more transparent than my tears. As you grow i pray i will be enough.

I love you Lima