
• perceptible by touch

Grasping the concept of tangibility was the most difficult for me. I had to stop reasoning away the aggressions of others and stop rationalizing the mistreatments. I had to stop listening to those that would normalize the acceptance of abuse that occurs in love relationships. I had to trust my conscience to find tangible love for myself and love to share. When I put away those rose colored glasses and delusions I created, I was able to step into real love and self acceptance. Learning the definition of real motivated me to adjust my octagon to a circle. To appreciate tangible emotions I had to be selfless in displaying them. 😘


Used and abused simultaneously confused
Where is the light
Where is the key to unlock this cage
Where did you go
Why did you forsake me my love
Who wronged you
Who didnt love you
Who looked your love in the face and turned away
Who burned you
Who turned you
Who awakened this darkness
You shouldnt tell me now isnt the time for this
When you have double the time than most
You’ve placed my seconds, minutes ,hours
In your hands
Or maybe i did that
My apologies i confuse myself