
• not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time.

• already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time.

As we begin to close the countdown for 2018, i encourage us all to start anew in some area of our lives. A new day. A new hope. New knowledge. A new chance. Welcome the newest year🤗


• not perfect; faulty or incomplete

We are all perfect in an imperfect way. I enjoyed discovering what others may call “flaws” this year. I delighted in uncovering them and loving them. Its the deeper part of self-acceptance. This journey repaired that empathy chip, showed me what is tangible and essential. The way i love my imperfections overflows into my everyday. I can spread love because i am love 😘


• relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.

• a person who is creative, typically in a professional context.

I have embraced my identity as a creative. I have learned to accept myself, respect my work and honor the gifts bestowed upon me. I respect all opinions about my craft however i will not alter my own vision to fit the mold of others.

How has your creativity benefited you?


• absolutely necessary; extremely important.

I learned the importance of many things this year. The true definition of value and worth. I learned to let go more. To stop holding on to dead ends (hair), dead weight (people) and deadlines (situations). While creating this enlightened existence, i accredit my essentials for clarity.

What are your essentials?


• without end, limit, or boundary.

I learned about the limits we place on ourselves. We create obstacles fearing rejection or failure. All those can’ts and shouldn’ts that with careful planning can be actions or achievements. I strive to live a life without boundaries and to share a love without an end. I am dedicating my next years to be limitless in my endeavors.


R- respect

• a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

• due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.

• a person’s polite greetings.

If i appeared to respect myself before i apologize for the deceit. I did not learn respect, I ascended into self respect and ultimately admiration followed. Due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, and traditions of others, (respect) sets the pattern for all my relationship. Although i can respect man without loving him, I must respect myself in order to love myself. It is required of me. I must admire my abilities, appreciate my qualities, and honor my own achievements to free myself for love. “If you truly [..respected] yourself, you would never hurt another” This is my daily mantra, what’s yours?

I send you my respects xoo



  I want to bless the month on the first day and entitle it Grateful. I bring happiness into this month and I exit this month with favor. Right now, I am excited for new possibilities and opportunities. I accept challenges and overcome them with grace. I am happy with my life and my love. I am grateful for my 20+ years. I am overflowing with patience and I exude peace. I am blessed and fortunate. I will work hard on self care these 31 days and maintaining tranquility.




My Spirit salutes your Spirit




1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
2. a feeling of trust.

So full
So promising
So expecting
So inviting
So willfull
So willing
So wishful
Master your hope and you create your will
You mold your destiny
You kiss your dreams
I hope you hope
