Story Time

I used to work at a pharmacy as a cashier. I worked there for years. It was an easy job. Prime location near the city. Lots of opportunities for me to talk and engage with people. (My heart’s desire)
So one day a middle aged woman hurries in and asks/tells me she needs a “disposable” camera. (Quotations explained momentarily) I was helping another customer finalize their purchase when the woman asks/tells me again that she needs a “disposable” camera. I tell her they are on the far side of the register along the wall. She walks over and 30 seconds later yells “These say Single-Use”.


          The End


My mind is fleeting
My mind is bleeding
Colors, lyrics, words, actions, dreams
The unconsciously conscious
The seen unseen
Whats a dream without the means
Without the heart how do you start
How does it end
Wait let me grab a pen





1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
2. a feeling of trust.

So full
So promising
So expecting
So inviting
So willfull
So willing
So wishful
Master your hope and you create your will
You mold your destiny
You kiss your dreams
I hope you hope


Della Dear

Della Dear


We’ve been dating for 6 months and he’s wonderful but a little two faced. He seems to shut on and off at random intervals. The first few times I shrugged it off as him not wanting to get too attached to me too fast. That I can understand. The 5th and 9th times it seems he has a personality disorder or a narcissist. Also I believe he’s lied to me about his name, place of employment, housing situation, etc. We met on a dating app what did I expect right?



Dear Dizzy

I empathize with you completely my dear girl. This one has taken you for a whirl. I would not walk away from this catch (22). I would RUN. If you feel he has lied about one thing it may be a misunderstanding or he could have in fact lied. If you feel he has lied about several things (height and weight don’t really count here we’ve all fudged that for the S.O.S once in a lifetime) then he is just not the one for you. If a man fixes his mouth to lie to you about his name (perhaps it’s embarrassing) and housing situation (is living with a parent so bad. It’s very cost effective in this economy) he has something to hide. Trust is given and earned. Your title aka name is a piece of your identity and this man may be in a crisis bigger than you and I. (But that’s not your burden to bear) Lying to you is taking away your free will, Goddess. And everyone loves free will and ice cream.

Now the dating app, site, ad, etc… Don’t give up hope. In this ever changing world we seem to work more than we connect with others. Maybe take a break from that app. Maybe take a break from swiping right/left and try the real world (not the TV series). There are eligible men out there. Some of them have traits that make them sour choices but not all. For compatibility to work both individuals must understand their own needs and wants. They must find and nurture both strengths and weaknesses. Look within Queen.

XOXO Della